Quick appointment with a doctor at a clinic. How to get an appointment with a doctor. Make an appointment with a doctor in the Moscow region

Internet technologies are increasingly integrated into the daily lives of citizens. Now, with the help of popular medical and government portals and websites, every resident of the capital will be able to make an appointment with a doctor via the Internet in Moscow.

On such portals you can obtain the necessary certificates, extracts or apply for a trip to a sanatorium. Services are available to Muscovites who have a compulsory medical insurance policy and are affiliated with one of the capital’s many clinics.

Through Moscow government services, you can keep up to date with the latest medical news, make an initial or repeat appointment with a medical specialist, and receive information about all Moscow doctors. Modern technologies now protect the health of citizens and help make medicine easier and more accessible to everyone.

What do you need to make an appointment?

Also, in order to join the electronic queue for a consultation with a selected specialist online, you will need a valid compulsory health insurance policy.

Attention! A necessary condition for the provision of the service is that the compulsory medical insurance document must cover the insurance territory of the city of Moscow.

If the policy was obtained in another region, you will need to contact the Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (MGFOMS) to change the service region and make a note about your actual residence (registration) in the capital. While your policy is being processed, appointments with doctors in Moscow clinics will be available through the Appointment Service.

Ways to make an appointment with a doctor

To make an appointment with a doctor online in Moscow, users are given several options to choose from.

Through public services portals

To receive government services on any of the portals, you will need to create or register on the portal of the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System (UMIAS).

Registration on one of the public service portals (PSP):

  • emias.mos.ru is a quick appointment with a doctor of any specialization;
  • mos.ru - Moscow website of public services;
  • on the Medihost website you can make an appointment with a doctor not only in medical institutions in Moscow, but also in the Moscow region (Zelenograd, Khimki, Troitsk, etc.) and other regions of Russia.
  • EMIAS.INFO is the leading Internet channel for providing online services in the field of digital healthcare in Moscow.

A note about attaching a compulsory medical insurance policy to a Moscow clinic - an appointment with a doctor for a child or an adult is possible only if the clinic has a card and determines whether the citizen belongs to a specific medical area.

Via mobile applications

You can now make an appointment with a doctor under your compulsory medical insurance policy using the EMIAS mobile application. You just need to download it for iOS, Android and install it on your smartphone.

With this service you can:

  • make an appointment with a primary care doctor;
  • turn on the “reminder” and check current appointments with doctors;
  • change your appointment time or cancel it;
  • store all necessary medical information (health information, list of prescribed medications, etc.).

Using a telegram bot

You can also make an appointment with a dentist, otolaryngologist or urologist using the Moscow city telegram bot MosUslugiBot or @EmiasInfoBot. These programs operate online and schedule patients for appointments using their compulsory health insurance policy number and date of birth.

You can find these robots in the Telegram messenger if you enter the name in the search bar: @MosUslugiBot or @EmiasInfoBot.

Also, a telegaming bot can:

  • remind about available appointments (the day before the appointment and 2 hours before the scheduled visit);
  • help cancel or reschedule your appointment.

By phone

For those who are used to making appointments with doctors by phone, there is a 24-hour appointment service: +7-495-539-30-00.

By dialing this number, every Muscovite who has a compulsory medical insurance policy and is assigned to a clinic will be able to:

  • make an appointment with a primary care specialist;
  • adjust the time and date of the appointment (postponement);
  • refuse a visit to the doctor (while maintaining the referral);
  • receive consulting services.

Personal appeal

When visiting the attached clinic in person with the administrator using the infomat.

To register, you will need to know your compulsory medical insurance policy number. Pre-registration is made 14 days in advance. After choosing a convenient time for an appointment with a specialist, you need to get a coupon from the information desk or the receptionist.

Instructions for registering through the mos.ru portal

Online appointments with doctors in Moscow clinics are quite simple. Let's look at the step-by-step instructions using the example of the Moscow public services service:

How to change the date and time of an appointment?

If your plans change and your doctor's appointment needs to be canceled or rescheduled, you can also do this online.

The procedure for changing data about an upcoming consultation is as follows:

  1. Login to the desired site.
  2. Selecting the appropriate service.
  3. Entering the patient’s personal data (health insurance number, date of birth, medical institution, etc.).
  4. Canceling an appointment or rescheduling an appointment date or time.

It is important to remember that you can change your appointment time if:

  • the time for providing the service has not yet arrived;
  • There are free places and temporary “windows” for rescheduling a visit to the doctor.

If you decide to make an appointment online at a clinic or children's hospital in Moscow, remember that this service is provided for free. Whatever portal, site or service you choose, this service cannot be paid. Otherwise, it is worth recording this fact and sending an application to the competent authorities.

How to cancel or reschedule an appointment with a doctor?

Today, most city clinics (public and private) offer a free online appointment service. There are several ways to receive a coupon without leaving your home - through the hospital website or a specialized Internet portal. Step-by-step instructions describing the actions are presented below.

The easiest way to get to almost any doctor in a public hospital is through the State Services website. First you need to register on the portal and enter the data of 2 documents:

  • passports;

From now on, you can use the portal, including to make an appointment with a doctor. However, a number of functions (enrolling a child in kindergarten, obtaining temporary or permanent registration, and many others) will not be available - to receive them, you must confirm your data in the Service Center or in the Internet banks of Sberbank, Tinkoff, and Post Bank.

Step-by-step instructions for making an appointment with a doctor through the State Services portal next:

The policy series is not assigned to all documents, but everyone has a number as a unique combination of numbers. Its location depends on the document sample - the old one is at the bottom, the new one is at the top, as shown in the figure.

Method 2. Through a medical portal or hospital website

This free service is similar to the one that private clinics have been providing for a long time: each patient can visit the website of a medical institution and issue an online voucher to almost any specialist.

Through specialized portals

Today, a large number of specialized portals have appeared, with the help of which any patient can get an appointment with a doctor within one region or city. To do this, just enter your policy details, date of birth and full name, for example:

On such portals, you can also create a personal schedule, where you can enter all notes about visiting the doctor, cancel applications, view current lists of medications for preferential prescriptions, etc.

Expert opinion

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

It is not recommended to transmit personal data (passport, SNILS) and others on third-party sites for security reasons.

Via the hospital website

Another option is to enter the name of a specific medical institution in the search bar of your browser, for example, “Polyclinic 84 Moscow,” and then make an appointment through the website of this hospital. As a rule, such a service does not require registration, much less the transfer of personal data.

Questions and answers

There are still many questions asked about the online appointment booking process as the patient registration system does not work in all cases. For example, situations often arise when it becomes impossible to make an appointment from home at a specific clinic (even in large cities). Answers to the most common questions about the service are provided below.

Receive medical care not at your place of residence

According to existing legislation and regulations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, each citizen can be assigned (i.e., stand on the site) to only one clinic. By default, it is considered that a person is assigned to a hospital located at his place of residence. Therefore, if you need to make an appointment to visit another institution (in a different area or region), the system will display the following error.

At the same time, the patient can get to the doctor in this case, but first he needs to go through the attachment procedure, i.e. stand on the site. To do this you only need 2 documents:

  • passport;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy.

In the case of a minor, you must also take the original birth certificate. To attach to a new site, it is not necessary to have even temporary registration in another city/district/region. There is also no need to provide your medical card - hospitals exchange data independently. Although the patient has the right to independently deliver the card by writing an application addressed to the chief physician.

At the same time, the applicant needs to be prepared for the fact that the hospital may refuse to enter the station. This is possible only for one reason – the number of patients exceeds the standard indicator. In this case, you should try going to another medical facility. As for receiving emergency care, such rules do not apply to this type of medical service - you can urgently call a doctor at any time and anywhere in the Russian Federation.

Expert opinion

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

You can change the clinic in this way no more than once a year. The exception is cases of relocation, when a citizen changes the address of permanent or temporary registration - then you can constantly re-register for new areas an unlimited number of times.

Find out the clinic to which you are attached

This service is also available on the State Services website. It will be useful for patients who often change their place of residence or clinic, as well as in cases where the move occurred recently, so the documents to the new hospital may not have arrived in time. To find out the address of a specific medical organization, you must select the appropriate service from the catalog on the main page.

Then click “Get service”.

Enter your full name, date of birth and policy number.

Then, as a result of the check, you can see the address and name of the medical institution. However, sometimes the service refuses to provide this service.

Make an appointment for someone else

This can also be done on the State Services portal. Each person can use his personal account to register another patient who is assigned to a specific clinic. This could be an elderly person who cannot work on a computer or smartphone, a child, etc. To sign up, you just need to click “To another person” in the selection field and then fill out their details. The further procedure is exactly the same.

By phone or when visiting a medical facility. Registration is carried out only if you have a compulsory health insurance policy (CHI) and are attached to a medical institution.

How to get a policy

Electronic registry

An online appointment with a doctor is available on the portal of state and municipal services of the Moscow region in the section. To register, you need a medical policy, the series and number of which will need to be entered to enter your “Personal Account”.

Once you log in, you will see the medical facilities you are assigned to. Select the one you need. After this, indicate the required service – “Make an appointment” or “Call a doctor at home.”

If you have chosen the “Make an Appointment” service, then indicate the specialization of the doctor you want to see, then select a specific specialist and a time convenient for you. To receive a coupon, please provide your email address.

Cancel recording

If you cannot make an appointment, cancel your appointment to free up time for other patients. To do this, select the one in your appointment bookings that you will not be able to attend.

Waiting list

If there are no free vouchers for an appointment with the specialist you need, you can sign up for a waiting list. If someone refuses an appointment and time becomes available, the clinic receptionist will call you back and offer available scheduling options.

Make an appointment by phone

You can also make an appointment with a doctor by phone: 8-800-550-50-30 (Contact Center of the Governor of the Moscow Region). In this case, you will also need a compulsory medical insurance policy - the operator will ask you to dictate the policy number. To cancel your appointment, call the same number.

Victoria Kulagina