Interesting groups in VK. We are looking for groups in VK with a super-target audience. In short: how the tool can be useful

Imagine Steve Jobs - black turtleneck, piercing eyes - trying to present the iPhone, standing in the middle of a Papuan village where there is not even electricity.

Despite all the genius, Jobs is unlikely to succeed with such an audience. Just as ridiculous and ineffective is advertising placed on a site with an inappropriate audience. Giving advertising in public that do not fit the audience, you lose money and time. It is much better to advertise where your potential customers live.

How to find suitable VK groups for paid posts?

The standard functionality of VKontakte allows you to find groups that match by topic (very general) or by name. This is not enough. First of all, because the topic is declared arbitrarily, just as the name does not always reflect the essence of the audience. It's simply too short for that.

I will not dwell on the difficulties of choosing sites: they are known to anyone who has tried to advertise in public. Let's move on to solving the problem.

Another approach: start with the user!

To find the sites we need, we just need to remember why this is being done. Our goal is to find groups where there are people who are receptive to our advertising. Let's then find these suitable people and see what groups they are in..

Of course, we will not search manually. I bring to your attention the second tool of the project - Search for groups by target audience parameters. The tool is located at:

How it works?

The general idea is very simple:

  1. You specify the main parameters of your target audience
  2. Based on them, a sample of users is prepared
  3. The program collects data about which groups each user belongs to
  4. The information is summarized, as a result, we see which groups are preferred by people who are our potential subscribers or customers.

Ha ha, you say. Well, as a result, MDK and EP will be what every second subscribes to. What's the point!

All right. Therefore, the fifth point is the most important! - is to calculate matching index.

To understand what it is, you need to remember the basics of marketing theory. The concept of an affinity index is well described in Wikipedia. Let me remind you here that this is an indicator of how much better advertising is perceived by the audience of a particular site in relation to the audience as a whole (random people). It might be easier to understand with examples:

So. The probability that a person in our sample is in a particular group directly depends on 2 factors: the size of the group and the site affinity index for this sample. But we know the number of subscribers of the group! So what's stopping you from calculating the matching index?

I turn this brief digression into theory, I turn to practice. You do not need to delve into all the calculations with the match index. Now you will see that it works and this is the main thing.

Tool operation examples

To begin with, let's pick something very simple so that we can make sure that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe match index works.

For example, we want to launch a site dedicated to football in the regions and decided to advertise in small groups of fans of this sport.

Let's find what football fans in Kaliningrad are subscribed to. We indicate the city, set the age from 20 years old (after all, we need an adult and solvent audience), in the interests we indicate, of course, football. We start the search and analysis.

We get a table with communities sorted by index descending (clickable):

The first lines with a huge compliance index are occupied by small regional groups of football fans. The rest of the communities are predominantly male, i.e. the audience in them is “warm”, also not bad for us. Quite logical results, right? We could get them with the standard community search, although it would take more time.

More complex example. Let's say we sell some special software or service for, well, for example, realtors in St. Petersburg. Is it easy to find groups where exactly realtors sit? Not much anymore:

With the standard search, we find only groups with a service offer ...

But for this is not a problem. Specify the city and position:

There is already something to profit from, right?

Another example + a little subtlety in using the tool.

We want to sell some kind of accessory to fans of The Hobbit films, or at least a ring of Omnipotence with delivery in Moscow. We indicate the "Hobbit" among the interests:

Oops. Somehow pale: a small affinity (not tens or hundreds), vacancies ... Something is not right! Pay attention to the notice above the table. Yep, of course! After all, pointing out “The Hobbit” in your favorite films is not yet a sign of target audience. The film is quite popular. Add Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings to the interests to collect the most ardent fans:

It looks like business, doesn't it?

In short: how can the tool be useful?

There are many such examples. Go to the site and try it yourself! You can specify many conditions for selecting the audience: gender, age, interests, geography, work... Specify the portrait of the ideal client and get a list of the best advertising platforms.

I don't think my readers need to be further explained how it is profitable to advertise in a small group with a homogeneous and active audience that suits your parameters. Let me just remind you that Advertising there is usually very cheap.. Or even free if you can offer something more or less interesting. Small thematic groups are often conducted not for profit, but out of interest.

Use the tool (at the moment it is absolutely free),

Any social network (social network) consists of users, such as you and me, and various kinds of publics (groups). They can be either in the form of online stores, flea markets, or just an informative page of a particular catering establishment, a creative association or a “skillful hands” circle.

The psychology of a person is such that in any community - real or virtual - he tries to find his place and his group (the effect of the so-called crowding). It is this feature that marketers use to attract customers to a particular area.

The choice of publics according to personal preferences

Whatever one may say, anyway, someone who loves to draw will subscribe to art supply stores, artist or gallery pages, art history communities, etc. A musician will certainly look for flea markets with instruments, video tutorials and performers with whom he I would like to play together or with whom I would like to learn.

VK provides such an opportunity at a higher level than any other available social network. Surely you can easily choose the best VKontakte groups just for yourself, based on your hobbies. But what, on it all possibilities come to an end? And where are the great advantages of this social network?

Why VKontakte?

Let's look at how VK can especially attract users.

  1. Russian speakers around the world, unite! The ru domain is accessible from anywhere in the world. Therefore, its capabilities are much wider than those of the same
  2. Simple interface.
  3. Access to music. The second and third points may seem surprising at first glance, but the first time you test such options in other social networks, everything will fall into place, and it will become obvious to you that is simply created for this.
  4. What to see in the feed and what to disable is up to you, not the statistical module.

List of groups that everyone should join

The best VKontakte groups are millionaire publics. Despite the fact that groups breed like Australian rabbits, sometimes a large group - 20 thousand subscribers or more - can simply collapse out of the blue. For a millionaire, this is almost impossible. And the main secret of these publics is that they are created for women. Because the regular readers of "VK" are representatives of the weaker sex.

Many so-called boy groups have a target audience - girls. Just wonder how many men will subscribe to a public where clothes and outfits are discussed, albeit a male one? And how many women will choose a group where breasts and butts constantly flash?

We offer only some of the best VKontakte groups. Their list is constantly updated, but for the last year and a half they continue to hold their leading positions:

  • (life hack and everything connected with it);
  • (RIA Novosti, news in Russia and the world);
  • (good news, stories from the lives of those who were helped and those who helped);
  • (humor).

Male Choice

The best VKontakte groups for guys, which are subscribed to by 99% of men and only rare women, basically do not carry highly intelligent information in their bulk, but among their posts there is a purely male theme.

All this is just a cunning marketing ploy, because the bulk of men are also not particularly distracted by the naked ass flashing in the feed, but the news on his online game will only be in such groups.

A striking example of this is, because there are not so many gamer girls among us. And even those publics where the description contains the word “male” may not be of interest to this entire contingent, for example: is a men's group dedicated to fashion on VKontakte.

See the top 5 examples of such groups below:

  • - "Cynic Quote Book";
  • - "Boys will understand";
  • - "Academy of Decent Guys";
  • - male group for Ukrainian boys, if you know the language, you can subscribe - posts are relevant in every country;
  • - this page has not been in vain here - it is with its help that you can follow the appearance of new official pages of public people dedicated to cinema, music, cuisine, etc.

The last public is not so much included in the list of the best as it monitors which are the best VKontakte groups. Its charm is that there are dry facts, strict censorship and, of course, news. If you don’t know movie news yet, you can easily track it, because before the premiere of a new film in cinemas, its official VKontakte page appears.

Deep dive into the network

Do you make money online, do you have your own store or do you freelance? Then you need to follow a huge amount of news. Remember that not all posts are displayed in the feed, because the Internet is very saturated. And the further, the more and the more expensive its use by both the user and advertisers. And if the first does not think about the fact that he is “heated” for 6 rubles, then the second spends 10 thousand rubles to “heat” him for 6 rubles.

So, you've decided to dive deep and start promoting. Then the best VKontakte groups for you are the official ones:

  • - the VKontakte team. All legal and controversial issues of the public can be found here. This is where the initial publication of the updated instructions and rules takes place. So you need to study it all the way and across before you start creating any VK element.
  • - the first signs are sent here with the advent of a new online game.
  • - all VK applications for Android. Information, bugs, features and more.

Advertising "VKontakte"

Each user of "VK" cannot complain about explicit advertising on the network. But we are not talking about its complete absence. Advertising - publications on your favorite publics, which in one way or another force the reader to subscribe to another group where the product is already on sale. Such indirect and unobtrusive persuasion is very pleasant, because everyone believes that he is making an independent choice.

If you want to buy a publication, remember that there is such a resource on the network as - a group of reviews about advertising publics. Check reviews here to avoid trouble. From time to time, it’s good to look for reviews about yourself. If you find a negative one, that's good too, because you'll know what else to work on. And of course, for the development of the resource, you should leave your comment, good or bad - it's up to you.

Online store or business page

Would you like to make your own website to promote goods and services? For testing, you can use the free platform "VKontakte". In order for a search engine to find it, you need money, but for the very beginning, so that the whole environment knows about your goods, this is the best option. Many do not switch to other resources over time because of the convenience and cheapness.

fast and a lot

In conclusion, we suggest paying attention to promising pages where they talk about making money with minimal investment. Do you remember what was said earlier about the overabundance of information? This is the reason why promoting the page honestly and quickly will not work.

Today they are engaged in fast stuffing of subscriptions with the help of promotions: "Publish, like, and "random" will choose the winner." But among such promotions there are thousands of pages that give nothing for free. They don't give anything at all. And promotions are often with fake photos from various flea markets (like OLX or Avito). Their goal is as many publications and subscriptions as possible. After 20 thousand, they sell the page to further promote a different topic by completely different people.

So, you choose the best VKontakte groups yourself. No one will forbid you to unsubscribe if the material goes on completely uninteresting to you personally. And after reading the article and searching for the necessary information, you will already see an impressive list of publics from several dozen. Only over time you will be able to understand the productivity of each of them.

That's all. Good mood and inspiration with VKontakte!

In which the highest quality, interesting and information-rich content is published. In fact, more than 100,000 communities are registered in this social network, and this number is steadily growing every day. In order to find the most popular communities, you can use the statistics service. How to do this we will tell below.

How to find top VK groups using the service

The network has a multifunctional center that offers the broadest opportunities for analyzing communities in VK. To use the service you need:

  • Follow the link
  • In the window that appears, you can see the communities that have been sorted by the criterion of growth in members. The growth of participants is understood as the number of users who have joined the community, minus the number of unsubscribers over the past day.

High growth rates mean that . However, one should not build final conclusions on the basis of only one criterion. A large increase is observed with active cheating of users through specialized services, at the height of an advertising campaign, as well as with other methods of active promotion. All these actions are aimed at maximizing attention, motivating users to join. However, the content does not always meet the expectations of the audience, so some people immediately or eventually leave the community.

It is much more reasonable to rely on criteria such as "Reach" (the number of views of posts), "Visitors" (the number of people who visited the community in 24 hours) and others.

Another criterion is the SRR. This term is understood as the price of advertising information for 1% of the audience in a particular community. The higher the CPP, the more expensive advertising in a VK group or public.

The Changes tab displays the list of communities according to the following changes:

  • title;
  • bans;
  • verification;
  • avatar;
  • page address;
  • closeness.

Filters are located on the right side of the screen. With their help, you can view data in communities by certain categories, sort only official groups and publics or those that the user is subscribed to (for this, you need to log in and allow the service access to the personal page).

In addition, here you can select information for the past day, week or month, which is very convenient if you want to analyze the dynamics of the desired group in the short and long term.

Attention! The Allsocial service allows you to collect statistics on VKontakte administrators, as well as on various parameters in Telegram.

Thus, finding the best VK communities is quite simple. The TOP rating of the most popular groups and publics is formed by the Allsocial service, where you can collect all the necessary data to search for a resource in a specific category and according to certain parameters.

1. Selections of movies, films

Public with the same "save to your wall, so as not to forget to look." For convenience, in the publications, along with the lists of films, the videos themselves are also given. Lifehacker does not call for piracy: collections can also be used to watch movies legally.

2. KinoPoisk

Representation of the largest Russian portal about cinema. Trailers, rumors and news from the world of cinema and, of course, live discussions - all this in the KinoPoisk community.

3. Let's take a look at home

A public that recommends movies for home viewing - films that are no longer shown in cinemas, but which are always a pleasure to revisit.

4 Lost Film TV

Public, administered by some of the most popular voice-over authors of modern series. In a convenient navigation menu, you can find information about dozens, and interesting news is published on the wall.


For those who love soundtracks as much as the movies themselves. Other publics publish music from popular films, but movie.soundtracks will also delight you with selections of songs from old or little-known movies.

6. New Albums

By this public will not pass any more or less noticeable worthy release. For supporters of legal listening, the collections are provided with links to Apple Music.

7. Perception of music

Musical selections of different genres. There are only two unifying criteria: quality and beauty. For convenience, the community has a search by genre, as well as a schedule according to which thematic collections are published.

8. Native sound

Public for fans eager for new discoveries. Native Sound publishes both selections of well-known performers (Tesla Boy, Pompeya) and little-known, but very picky administrators who have passed the test.

9. Music history

In this group, selections of different genres are accompanied by references generous with interesting facts. For example, “A Day in Music History” posts are published daily, reporting on events in the world of music that took place many years ago.


10. Books & Audiobooks

This community publishes both book collections and individual works. A great option for those who like to listen to VKontakte audio while on the go: most wall posts are accompanied by audio books.

11. A thousand devils, what a book!

Public, telling about worthy writers and their works. In addition to collections, audiobooks and reference information, TCCC has another important advantage - the ability to communicate with like-minded people. The works are actively discussed in the comments, and the administration daily publishes the evening entry “What book do you read at night?”.

The science

12. Museum of Cosmonautics

The official public page of the Museum of Cosmonautics, founded in Moscow in 1981. The wall publishes not only news from the life of the institution, but also interesting facts about the history of space exploration.


Representation of the popular science publication N + 1 "VKontakte". Articles are published on the topic of the latest technological developments, news from the world of physics, biology, astronautics and robotics.

14. Arzamas

"The history of culture in videos, texts and photographs" - a description that is fully consistent with the content published by the Arzamas publication. In the community, you can learn a lot about interesting things that are not taught in the lessons of history and literature, for example, about vegetarianism in pre-revolutionary Russia and secret signs in Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov.

15. History elective

Texts in which the character and individuality of the author are felt are sometimes much more interesting to read than the usual articles written in an informational style. The author of the public is Olya Andreeva, a columnist for the publication Diletant, who delights subscribers with weekly articles on the topic of history.

Business and motivation

16. Startups and business

Public edition, writing about startups, growing businesses and new models of earnings. No useless quotes and general motivational advice - just facts, news and interviews with entrepreneurs.

17. IQ Blog - Business Secrets

For those who need motivation and support with advice on, this public will help. Various entries are published on the wall: quotes and facts from the life of historical figures, useful articles and thematic book collections.

Sports and fitness

18. Sports articles | Body-building

In this public, not catchy quotes are intended to motivate, but detailed useful texts, recommendations from which can be applied in practice. Articles from this community will help not only to give the body the desired shape, but also to do it correctly, without harming your health.

19. Personal trainer

Another public for those for whom improving the body is not just another hobby, but one of the prevailing goals in life. Many posts are supported by videos.

20. Bodyfitness, bikini fitness, fitness

In this community you can find all the information you need to keep your body in shape: motivating quotes, funny pictures, exercise instructions, nutrition tips and even diet recipes.


21. PP. HLS. Recipes

In continuation of the previous category: a public with recipes that will not harm the figure. Administrators assure that all recipes are copyrighted, and photos of dishes are real.

22. Cook it! - delicious recipes

Public with the usual recipes, not only for losing weight. Its audience is more than two million people, and the number of entries is approaching 60 thousand, which allows us to talk about Cook it! as one of the most popular and complete recipe books on VKontakte. For convenience, in the "Information" block, a special item "Search for recipes" is displayed.


23. Freakbook

Every day, Freakbook collects interesting articles on the Russian Internet and offers them to the reader with a note about the time it will take to read.

24. New what

Another public broadcasting the best materials of the Internet, this time - foreign. Administrators invite subscribers to vote in a poll for an article in English that they would like to read. Some time later, a translation of the article is published.

25. Lifehacker

And finally, we could not help but mention our public. The community broadcasts articles from the site on various topics, united by a common goal - to make the life of the reader better.

1. Selections of movies, films

Public with the same "save to your wall, so as not to forget to look." For convenience, in the publications, along with the lists of films, the videos themselves are also given. Lifehacker does not call for piracy: collections can also be used to watch movies legally.

2. KinoPoisk

Representation of the largest Russian portal about cinema. Trailers, rumors and news from the world of cinema and, of course, live discussions - all this in the KinoPoisk community.

3. Let's take a look at home

A public that recommends movies for home viewing - films that are no longer shown in cinemas, but which are always a pleasure to revisit.

4 Lost Film TV

Public, administered by some of the most popular voice-over authors of modern series. In a convenient navigation menu, you can find information about dozens, and interesting news is published on the wall.


For those who love soundtracks as much as the movies themselves. Other publics publish music from popular films, but movie.soundtracks will also delight you with selections of songs from old or little-known movies.

6. New Albums

By this public will not pass any more or less noticeable worthy release. For supporters of legal listening, the collections are provided with links to Apple Music.

7. Perception of music

Musical selections of different genres. There are only two unifying criteria: quality and beauty. For convenience, the community has a search by genre, as well as a schedule according to which thematic collections are published.

8. Native sound

Public for fans eager for new discoveries. Native Sound publishes both selections of well-known performers (Tesla Boy, Pompeya) and little-known, but very picky administrators who have passed the test.

9. Music history

In this group, selections of different genres are accompanied by references generous with interesting facts. For example, “A Day in Music History” posts are published daily, reporting on events in the world of music that took place many years ago.


10. Books & Audiobooks

This community publishes both book collections and individual works. A great option for those who like to listen to VKontakte audio while on the go: most wall posts are accompanied by audio books.

11. A thousand devils, what a book!

Public, telling about worthy writers and their works. In addition to collections, audiobooks and reference information, TCCC has another important advantage - the ability to communicate with like-minded people. The works are actively discussed in the comments, and the administration daily publishes the evening entry “What book do you read at night?”.

The science

12. Museum of Cosmonautics

The official public page of the Museum of Cosmonautics, founded in Moscow in 1981. The wall publishes not only news from the life of the institution, but also interesting facts about the history of space exploration.


Representation of the popular science publication N + 1 "VKontakte". Articles are published on the topic of the latest technological developments, news from the world of physics, biology, astronautics and robotics.

14. Arzamas

"The history of culture in videos, texts and photographs" - a description that is fully consistent with the content published by the Arzamas publication. In the community, you can learn a lot about interesting things that are not taught in the lessons of history and literature, for example, about vegetarianism in pre-revolutionary Russia and secret signs in Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov.

15. History elective

Texts in which the character and individuality of the author are felt are sometimes much more interesting to read than the usual articles written in an informational style. The author of the public is Olya Andreeva, a columnist for the publication Diletant, who delights subscribers with weekly articles on the topic of history.

Business and motivation

16. Startups and business

Public edition, writing about startups, growing businesses and new models of earnings. No useless quotes and general motivational advice - just facts, news and interviews with entrepreneurs.

17. IQ Blog - Business Secrets

For those who need motivation and support with advice on, this public will help. Various entries are published on the wall: quotes and facts from the life of historical figures, useful articles and thematic book collections.

Sports and fitness

18. Sports articles | Body-building

In this public, not catchy quotes are intended to motivate, but detailed useful texts, recommendations from which can be applied in practice. Articles from this community will help not only to give the body the desired shape, but also to do it correctly, without harming your health.

19. Personal trainer

Another public for those for whom improving the body is not just another hobby, but one of the prevailing goals in life. Many posts are supported by videos.

20. Bodyfitness, bikini fitness, fitness

In this community you can find all the information you need to keep your body in shape: motivating quotes, funny pictures, exercise instructions, nutrition tips and even diet recipes.


21. PP. HLS. Recipes

In continuation of the previous category: a public with recipes that will not harm the figure. Administrators assure that all recipes are copyrighted, and photos of dishes are real.

22. Cook it! - delicious recipes

Public with the usual recipes, not only for losing weight. Its audience is more than two million people, and the number of entries is approaching 60 thousand, which allows us to talk about Cook it! as one of the most popular and complete recipe books on VKontakte. For convenience, in the "Information" block, a special item "Search for recipes" is displayed.


23. Freakbook

Every day, Freakbook collects interesting articles on the Russian Internet and offers them to the reader with a note about the time it will take to read.

24. New what

Another public broadcasting the best materials of the Internet, this time - foreign. Administrators invite subscribers to vote in a poll for an article in English that they would like to read. Some time later, a translation of the article is published.

25. Lifehacker

And finally, we could not help but mention our public. The community broadcasts articles from the site on various topics, united by a common goal - to make the life of the reader better.