How to find people VKontakte. Search for people in contact by last name. How to find "Vkontakte" a person at the place of work

So, it is worth saying right away that people search VKontakte not possible without registration. You just need your own account. Do not waste time on requests in the style of "find people in Contact without registration."

The first thing we do is go to the start page. This is the one where they wrote us “Welcome” earlier. Next, click on the "People" button.

The window that opens will be your search interface. Here you can find a person by name and surname. Data is entered in the top line, and in the menu on the right you specify data by gender, country, city and other nuances. You can also try to find a person by phone number, but this is less effective.

Theoretically, you can find it by photo, or rather, by profile picture, but only by scrolling through the results manually. There is no system for comparison and comparison of images in this social network yet, alas. So “on the face” you can find Vkontakte friends only with your own eyes.

As mentioned above, the search is a fairly simple operation. You will soon get used to it, and it will not be difficult for you to find someone. The main thing is to always remember that it is almost impossible to find friends in contact without registration. An activated account is always required. The algorithm for finding friends in a contact without registration simply cannot give you a result, since the social network is still a relatively confidential space.

It should be mentioned that people can be found in interest groups, as well as through already known friends. It's much easier and more efficient. You can also make friends with people by playing an endless number of games on VK. You will have fun and have great conversations. After all, communication is the main purpose of the existence of social networks.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. One of the last articles I devoted entirely to the topic. There were given a lot of ways that can help in this difficult matter. However, the social network Vkontakte is the largest in Runet (hundreds of millions of registered users) and, accordingly, gives the greatest chance of success. Many understand this start the search with her.

But lately. Without this, you will not be able to register or log in. Of course, this somewhat limits the circle of those who would like to, but for various reasons cannot register on this social network (there is no mobile at hand, the number is already linked to another VK account, access to which is lost, etc.).

Good that You can search for people on Vkontakte without authorization. You still lose something, but the main functionality that allows you to find the person you need in this social network is preserved. Let's take a look at this in a little more detail.

Search on the "People" tab without registering in VK

There is a high probability of finding people through the network if they are still relatively young, which means they are socially active. In this case, it’s worth starting with Contact. At the same time, it would be desirable to know the name and surname of the wanted person, as well as at least the approximate date of birth, place of residence, years and place of study. The fact is that the majority of users are precisely this data and it will be possible to search for it.

So, first you will need to go to the main page of this social network - Because for some reason we do not want to register or do not have such an opportunity, we immediately proceed to the main thing. At the very bottom of the main (or any other) page of the Contact, you will see a small menu, among which it will not be difficult to find the item "People"- that's exactly what we need.

On the page that opens in VK, enter in the top line the name and surname of the person you are looking for:

Please note that in my case, VK gave only two results, which is just great, because you won’t need to look through thousands of profiles or try to filter them. But according to the more common name, Vkontakte found as many as one hundred thousand people, which clearly makes it impossible to manually filter them by viewing profiles:

Moreover, you can waste time in vain, because among these “Ivanovs” there are not so many real people with such a surname - after all, this is the first “original” pseudonym that comes to mind when you don’t want to register under your real name for some reason .

To significantly speed up the search for the person you need in Contact, it will be enough use filters from the right area open page. There you can specify the country and city of residence of the person you are looking for, and, for example, when searching for former classmates and fellow students, you can, respectively, indicate the school and university where they studied (indicating the class, faculty, year of graduation).

This will weed out unnecessary people from the final list, unless, of course, the person you are looking for indicated their real data, and not “taken from the ceiling”. If you have information about at least the approximate age of the person you are looking for, then by all means use it (VK allows you to set the range of the estimated age of people). If you know the exact date of birth, then it can be specified in the drop-down menu of the lowest filter “Additionally”.

Unfortunately, Kontatka is full of long-abandoned pages, and all your search efforts may be in vain if the found person has not been on his page for a long time, and he did not indicate any other data in his contacts. You can check the date of the last visit of the user to your page at the very top of it:

There is a chance that without finding a specific person on the network, you can find his relatives(if you know them), and through them go to the subject you need. It is advisable to use all possible options to increase the likelihood of success.

Search for people on VKontakte via Yandex or Google

If you still don’t want to register in Contact or can’t (below I will give an example of a search by photo through this social network, although this is only available for registered users) and the search using VK does not give results, then you can try search for a person using Yandex or Google. Still, their search algorithms are more advanced, and it can turn out to be something that could not be done directly on the site of this social network.

Search engines allow use various operators when entering a query(read about it in articles about and about), which, among other things, allow you to limit the search area to one or more sites (in our case, it will be To do this, it will be enough to enter the following structure in the search box: First name Last name

If this method seems difficult to you, then you can use the advanced search form, which is available for both Yandex and Google (just follow the links provided). There it will be enough to fill in only two fields: a request (by entering the name and surname of the person being searched for) and the site on which the search will be conducted (in our case, this is

If this does not help you, then you can still try to register in Contact and try to find the person you need by his photo, even if you do not know his name, surname, or any other data. Oddly enough, but the probability of such an event is quite high - you just need to know how to do it. Actually, read about it below.

How to find a person through Contact by photo (registration required)

How to do it?

Go to the most popular communities (look at the number of subscribers, because the success of the entire event depends on it) and click on the "Offer News" button:

After that, it will be possible to start creating an application to search for the person you need in VK(with photo attached). To do this, click on the “Submit news” button, enter the text of the application, attach a photo of the person you are looking for and send it for moderation. After the moderators of the group allow it to be published, it will appear on the main page of this group and will be seen by many thousands of subscribers to the news of this community (which is why it is important to choose the most popular groups of this kind).

Sometimes users need to people search Vkontakte without registration for free. For quite a long time, when registering, the most popular and visited social. The Runet network requires its new users to bind to an account through a phone number. It is for this reason that not everyone will be able to register and find the right person. Some users simply do not have a phone at hand, some have already registered and linked a number, others simply do not want to enter their page or do not have such an opportunity for a reason. There are a variety of reasons why an anonymous search is needed. Let's say right away that you have the opportunity to find your friend, acquaintance or relative without going through authorization in the system. Of course, if you already have a developing Vkontakte account, then you simply have to do this so that all your relatives and friends are your friends. Then the search for the right person will be greatly facilitated. If you want you to have even more VK friends, on our resource. But Vkontakte search is available without the registration procedure. How to do it? Very simple. Type the following address in the address bar of your web browser:" (of course, without quotes).

You will be taken to a people search page similar to the one shown in the top picture. On the left you can see the authorization window, on the right there will be a block of search filters. In order to search for the right person, you must know his first name as well as his last name. Moreover, it is very important to know exactly how the desired user is registered exactly on Vkontakte. Let's say you are looking for a person named Pavel Durov (example). You enter these words in the search, but you do not get anything intelligible. At the same time, you know 100% that this person is registered on the network. Try entering your request differently. For example: “Pasha Durov” or “Pavel Durov”, because for a search robot these are completely different requests.

Well, well, as you can see, find Vkontakte person without registration is quite real. You just need to know the direct address of people search. You can also type in the address bar the following combination: "". This is also a search address, and it also does not require registration on the site. Another way to search for people is, of course, directly, through a search engine. Type in Google the last name and first name of the user you want to find. But do not just type your first and last name, but enter through a space: “”, “vk”, “vkontakte” or “Vkontakte” to get only the results you need.

Of course, this does not guarantee you a fast and accurate search, since there can be hundreds and even thousands of people with a similar first and last name in VK itself. But, as an option, you can try this type of search.

In addition to the two methods discussed above VK people search Vkontakte without registration for free, there is another great option that should not be left unattended. This is a search for people with the assistance of the Yandex search engine. If you share this option with your friends and followers, you will definitely get a lot of likes. You can also just buy the right amount of likes. Let's now take a closer look at how it all works. To go directly to the search for people in Yandex, type the following URL in the address bar: "". Now on the page itself you can see the standard input line, and below it some filters will be located. Namely: "Vkontakte", "Odnoklassniki", "Facebook", "More". You need to select "Vkontakte" to search for this particular network. Further, if known, you need to set additional conditions for a more accurate search for a person: “Age”, “Study”, “Work”, “Accommodation” (see the bottom picture).

After filling in all the fields presented in the service, in the main search bar you must enter the name and surname of the person you are looking for and click the "Find" button. After all this, select the desired user from the issuance. Again, if the search in Yandex did not give the desired results, try changing the input data, and you will succeed. Work on your page, look for new friends, subscribers, create and join interesting communities yourself, in general - improve yours, and then people will look for and find you themselves.

A guide for beginners and not only how to find friends on VKontakte and other social networks.

It's no secret that the Internet is a great tool for finding friends.

The abundance of various dating sites, thematic forums, social networks help to quickly get along with the people with whom you, dreams, aspirations.

If you don't know how to find friends on vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and other social networks, then for sure reading this article will be very useful for you.

Why is it easiest to find friends on VKontakte?

Life without friends cannot be complete.

No matter how old you are, it's never too late to try to make friends.

I believe that one of the most effective places both to find new friends and to renew relationships with those whom you have known for a long time, for example, classmates or classmates, is social networks.

Initially, the creators planned that it would become a highly specialized network in which only pupils and students of Russian educational institutions would communicate.

As VKontakte gained more and more fans, it began to turn into an international network for communication.

Residents of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries can find VKontakte connections with former classmates and classmates, as well as find new friends who can enter your life seriously and for a long time.

  1. The registration procedure in this network is as simple as possible and does not require payment.
  2. The search field is light and handy, allowing you to set various filters to narrow your search.
  3. You control the process of finding friends, which means you decide who to add as a friend, and whose requests to leave unanswered.
  4. There is an abundance of various groups (both open and closed), becoming a member of which is quite easy to find comrades.
  5. According to international information technology companies, VKontakte ranks 1-2 among social networks in the former Soviet republics.

    That is, there is a very high chance that you will find a classmate who left Ukraine for Belarus for permanent residence, or a horde of Star Wars fans with whom you can discuss your favorite saga, namely VKontakte.

How did my aunt manage to find friends in Vkontakte?

My aunt became an active Internet user not so long ago.

Even 3 years ago, she was indignant at the fact that young people spend all their time burying their heads in the monitor.

Her life changed when her son, who was going to work abroad, gave her a simple laptop, connected it to the Internet and began to teach his mother how to use Skype and social networks so that she could contact him without spending huge amounts of money on telephone calls.

He also registered my aunt on VKontakte.

At first, she was going to use it only for correspondence with her son, but gradually got involved and began to think about how to find classmates and classmates here, subscribed to the Garden Garden, Home Recipes and others group, began to post photos of her magnificent flower beds, post in as statuses your favorite poems, etc.

But the biggest surprise for her was that she was able to find her two best friends on VKontakte, and their communication resumed 35 years after graduation.

How to find VKontakte lost friends?

Lost friends I conditionally call classmates, classmates, childhood friends, in general, all those with whom you used to maintain relations, and now, having lost contact, you would like to restore it.

Finding lost friends on VKontakte is quite simple.

The algorithm of your actions will be like this:

  1. Register online.
  2. Fill out your page with information (be sure to put your photo on the avatar to make it easier to identify you).
  3. Enter in the "Search" box (located at the very top on a blue background) the first and last name of the person you want to find and press enter.
  4. You will see what a big list, especially if, for example, the friend you want to find on VKontakte is Sergey Ivanov, they will offer you.
  5. To narrow your search, set the filters that you have on the right: "region", "school", "university", "gender", etc.

    If, apart from the name and surname, you do not have any data, then you will have to review all profiles in order to find the desired Sergey Ivanov.

How to find new friends on VKontakte?

It often happens that old friends leave: move to another city, die (the saddest option) or just friendship with them becomes obsolete, for example, you want to develop and succeed, and your friend still wants to spend all his free time in bars .

It is not necessary to remain without friends until the end of your days.

On VKontakte, you can find friends with whom you will be connected by strong friendly relations, which, quite possibly, will develop into true friendship.

As for me, you can find new friends on VKontakte using two directions:

  1. Friends of friends.
  2. Interest groups.

The longer you are an active user of the social network, the more your friend zone will increase.

Not only those with whom you communicate in real life will begin to ask for your friends, but also those with whom you personally do not know, but know them only indirectly or not at all.

My advice to you: if you personally do not know a person, carefully study his profile, so as not to regret later.

Plus, you don't have to sit and wait for someone to make you happy with their friendship.

Examine the lists of friends of your VKontakte comrades and offer friendship to those who interest you from this list.

Interest groups are even easier: you join a group and study all its members, and then you offer friendship to people who seem to you the most congenial.

If virtual friendship is enough for you, then you don’t have to look at their places of residence.

If you want the virtual friendship of VKontakte to turn into a real one, it is better to look for friends in your city.

Detailed video guide for beginners,

to quickly find friends on VKontakte:

Comrades, whether new or old, it is always wonderful.

If you want to find great friends on a social network, then here are some useful tips from me:

    Don't be too intrusive.

    Do not bully a new friend with constant demands: “Let's talk!”, “Why don’t you answer me ?!”.

    Using such an aggressive approach, you risk losing a newly found friend.

    Remember the rules of courtesy.

    You don’t need to immediately write: “Hey dude, how are you doing?”, Unless, of course, you are not 13 years old.

    Remember that strangers should be addressed with "you" until the agreement to switch to "you" is mutual.

    Feel free to offer friendship.

    Do not sit and wait for someone to choose you.

    Be proactive.

    Don't be discouraged if your friend request is denied.

    Perhaps a former classmate simply did not recognize you, or some person does not need new friends.

    Don't make big plans.

If you've figured it out how to find friends on vkontakte and found such a friend, constantly keep in touch with him, otherwise your relationship can be easily interrupted.

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Social network In contact with is constantly developing and improving and thereby expanding one of the main useful qualities of a social network as a search for people in contact. Everything changes: searches and applications, sections and chats, editors and players, security and much more. All this is designed to create convenient functionality, adapt the social network to the user and make it even more popular. Users of VKontakte sometimes do not have time to follow the innovations, and are often dissatisfied with them. The power of habits is great ... Many have probably noticed that the people search function has changed significantly in Contact.

How now to look for the right people in your favorite social network? The top line contains a form where you can enter any information or question and search by any criteria. You know how to search for audio / video recordings and communities or public pages. You are interested in finding people. The functionality here remained unchanged. But the innovation was the ability to find not only the news of the community or group, but also the news of the network user that interested you. As for the user search function, the changes did not affect the selection criteria.

Search for people in contact by last name and without

With even minimal data, it is possible to find a relative or just an acquaintance on the network, though not without problems. It is desirable to know other parameters in addition to the surname. It can be an educational institution, work, year of birth. And sometimes in the search for a person, knowing some additional data about him, for example, his interests, can help.

If the person is not located, then you have inaccurate data or have changed (last name, for example). Or it may be that the person you are looking for deliberately entered inaccurate information about himself. By name, you should not look for a user - no one has canceled the variability of names.

  • To start the search, enter the required parameters in the form and click the button "Search" or " enter".

  • If it doesn't work the first time, don't despair. Change the categories of requests, remember other data of the person you need: study, age, work, etc. until the search returns positive results.

Search for people in contact without registration

  • It is possible, for this you need to type or click on the link

This topic is completely devoted to finding people on VKontakte without registration. Psychologists believe that social networks were invented by people suffering from loneliness and unable to communicate normally with others. With the help of the Internet, the illusion of full-fledged communication is created, but without "pitfalls" - you can not be afraid to be yourself, express your opinion and communicate with a variety of people, not paying attention to social status or appearance. In fact, even on the Internet, all people are quickly divided into groups, and with the development of social networks, it is increasingly necessary to find a person, knowing only the bare minimum of information about him. Here are some simple wayshow to find a person in contact without registering.

How to find people in contact without registration

If you are looking for a person and you know for sure that he is registered in VKontakte, it is quite easy to find him, even if you do not have your own account or for some reason you do not want to search through your page. The VKontakte social network promises its users the protection of personal information, and at first glance, it is impossible to find someone on the network without registration, but, in fact, finding a person in contact without registration is not too difficult.

1 way

2 way

There is another fairly simple method for finding friends in VK through the user directory. All you need to do is enter the following link into the search bar of your browser: The following page will open:

Further in the column: "Search for people" you need to enter the name of the person you are looking for. And for someone who has programming experience, searching for people through the VK directory can provide more information about any user of this social network.

3 way

You can find a person registered in VKontakte through the Yandex search, when filling out the registration form on social networks, by default, the user agrees that his data will be displayed in the Yandex search network and, if the one you need is not too well versed in computers and did not change the default settings, you can easily find it. To do this, you just need to enter the following link in the search bar of your browser -

and fill in the available data in the search form for people from Yandex.

These simple and not requiring any special knowledge methods, in 90% of cases make it easy to find the person you need "In contact" without registration.

Social networks were created for communication of people of different ages, nationalities, life positions and hobbies. With the help of the Vkontakte network, you can easily find like-minded people, join interesting communities and groups, make acquaintances with people from any city, expanding the circle of friends who are close to you in spirit!

There are also cases when you need to find a specific person with whom you have lost touch, for example, a classmate, a friend from college or a colleague. The social network Vkontakte will easily help you with this. You can find a person both by certain criteria (last name, age, city), and by photo, if you have a picture of the wanted person.

To perform any actions on a social network, the first thing you need to do is create your personal page by registering on Vkontakte. It is possible that someone is looking for you on the Internet, so by entering your real data and filling out the proposed questionnaire, you increase the chances of your friends to find your account.

We are looking for a person according to the data

We open a personal page, there is a menu to the left of your photo, select the "Friends" tab. Next, in the window that opens, on the right, click on "Search for friends". You can immediately enter the last name and first name in the search box, but in order to significantly narrow the circle of candidates offered to you, we find the “Search Options” drop-down menu on the right. Also note that some people write their name in transliteration.

Now you need to fill in all the parameters that you know about the person:

  • Region - here we set the country and city of residence;
  • School - the system will give you a list of educational institutions of the city that you have chosen earlier, select the number or name of the school, class, year of graduation. A great opportunity to find lost classmates;
  • University - choose the higher educational institution of the city, faculty, year of graduation. All your classmates who have a Vkontakte page will become visible to you;
  • Age, gender, marital status - if you do not know the exact age of a person, you are provided with any range "from" - "to"; everything is clear with the floor; the “marital status” tab gives several options, you can skip it if you are not sure about the status;
  • With a photo - the search will return all people who have a photo uploaded on their personal page, it is easier to recognize a person;
  • Now on the site - the system will show a list of those who are currently online;
  • Life position - this tab allows you to select the main criteria for a person's worldview (attitude towards smoking, what is most important for him in life and in people, and much more);
  • Work - enter the place of work and the position held;
  • Military service - this position is attractive for those who want to find army friends. Choose the country, part number and year of service start;
  • Additionally - this option will significantly narrow the circle of people, provided that you remember the exact date of birth of the wanted person;
  • Search in other services - allows you to search for people in social networks such as Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Google, Twitter.

It is not necessary to enter data in each criterion, filling even a few of them, you have every chance of finding the person you need, unless, of course, he intentionally registered under a fictitious name or pseudonym.

Finding a person by photo

Yes, such an opportunity also exists, and gives a quick result, provided that the person has his own page on the social network, and the privacy mode is not set in his personal settings.

The most well-known service that qualitatively searches for people by photo is Google. We go to the site, we find the icon with the image of the camera on the right in the search bar. Click on the icon:

You need to upload a photo of the person you are looking for from your computer:

In this case, as an example, a photo of Evelina Khromtchenko, a leading stylist, was uploaded, the result of the issuance turned out to be rich, here, there is also Evelina's personal page on Vkontakte:

Search through "Looking for you" communities

If the first method did not work, you can resort to the help of special communities that help you find a person in the selected city. For example, you need to find a friend from Minsk. Choose a group:

We are looking for in the search VKontakte groups "Looking for you"

We go to the group, in the feed we find "Offer news"

We offer news in the community "Looking for you"

We upload a photo of the person we are looking for, write information that can help in the search, and wait for people who know this person to respond. Don't forget to track comments on your post, not everyone likes to write in private messages.

This page will help you quickly and without registration find and open a person's VKontakte page if you know his first and last name, and even better - the address (country, city), age (or year of birth), place of study or work.

Enter your first and/or last name here and click "To find". Search results will open with all VK pages that match this data. Then refine your request: select the location in the right column - country and city. To narrow the search circle and quickly find a person, you can specify the age or date of birth, school, university, place of work.

Any VKontakte page can be opened and viewed by clicking on the person's name. But some pages are available only to authorized users - this means that you must first log into VK with your username and password.

If not registered yet, do this:

If you can’t find a friend on VK in any way, but you know for sure that he has a page, ask him for a link to the page or his ID (id, page number). And finding a page by id is very simple:

or even from a photo if you don't know the name:

How to find a person on VKontakte by mobile phone number

Usually such information is a secret, because the VK administration cares about the safety of its users. But you will find a person by phone if he himself indicated the number on his page (opened to everyone). Try it right here:

Search for a person on VKontakte by phone number

If the phone number was listed on the page, enter it here (for example, +79001234567 ) and press "To find".

There are also ways to search VK by the linked phone number (through “possible friends”), but they do not guarantee that you will find a person. After all, the page can be tied to its other number, which you do not know. In addition, he could forbid finding him by number. However, here are the ways:

Search by number through the VK mobile application

You can try to find a person by number through the VK mobile application on Android:

  1. Write down the person's number in the phone book on your phone (in "Contacts").
  2. Install the VKontakte application for Android on your phone.
  3. Log in to the app.
  4. Go to the menu "Friends".
  5. Click on + (plus) up.
  6. Click "Contacts - Find friends in a notebook."
  7. Confirmation will appear - click "Yes".
  8. Wait a while, and you will see all the people whose numbers are saved on your phone and who are not yet your friends in VK - among them should be the person you are looking for.

How to break through a person in VK by number (another way)

VK offers you possible acquaintances from contacts on the phone. This method uses a blank smartphone with an empty contact list.

  1. You take a smartphone (after the reset).
  2. You buy a sim card.
  3. You enter the phone number you want to punch into the address book (contacts).
  4. Install the official VK application.
  5. Give him access to contacts on your phone.
  6. Register a new page.
  7. You wait, and after a while VK will start showing you in “possible friends” the page of the person you have in your contacts. Since he is alone, there is no need to guess.

Search through VK password recovery

There is also a small opportunity to find a person by cell number through VKontakte password recovery. But for this you need to know the name. If you exit VK, press "Forgot your password", then correctly enter the phone number and last name of the person, then the site will show the first name, last name and city. Previously, it was possible to immediately find out the link to a person’s page, but this feature was removed a long time ago. Therefore, such a search will not give anything new - if you know the number and surname, then you probably know both the city and the name - which means you can find a person, as described above, at the very beginning.

How to find a person on VKontakte at the address of residence

As for the address, VKontakte users usually indicate their country and city (some also indicate their hometown where they were born), and at the top you can search using this data, just first indicate the name and / or surname of the person at the top and click "To find". When the search window opens, select the country and city. There is no more accurate data - street, house, apartment - on the VK website.

How to find a person on VKontakte by university

The full version of VK, when searching for a person, does not allow you to select a university (university) until the country and city are selected. If you don’t know exactly where a person lives, but you want to search only for the university that he graduated from, this can be done through the mobile version of VK.

Vkontakte search for people by last name and first name. Each social platform has special search fields. VK is no exception. Here it is easy to do search for people by last name and first name VK. On the main page of the resource in the blue header on the left, you will see a search form. Type in the details of the person you want to find. Click "Enter". You will see all results relevant to the query. This will include not only people, but also communities, audio, videos and posts where a person is mentioned. The page with the issuance will look something like the figure below. For a more detailed search, in the menu on the right, tap the "People" button. Vkontakte will take you to a page where you can specify the parameters.

Indicate the country, the required city, even age characteristics. Using special forms on the left side of the site, you can select and specify the required value. The more input you choose, the fewer results you will get. On the one hand, if the first and last name are too common, this way you can quickly find a person.

On the other hand, some people do not specify their city or write an abstract value in this field, and this may also be the case with other parameters. In this case, having written all the information in detail, you may not see the result at all.

Search people Vkontakte by last name

Realize search for people on Vkontakte by last name much more difficult not knowing his name. You can also do this through the search field. If the surname is rare, then you will quickly find the one you need. If not, it may take a long time to see all the results. Especially when people do not put their photo on the ava. If a person , you can set search parameters by popularity. This is easy to do in the "Sort" tab on the left. Here you can also select the “By date of registration” parameter, then the first in the results will be those people who first registered in VK.

For those who want to be the first in the search, it is important to recruit friends and subscribers . It depends on what place you take in the issue. Also, do not forget that not in all cases people indicate their real initials. If you can't seem to find a person by last name, consider whether you might have mutual online friends. Then on your friend's page, you can go to the "Friends" category, select the gender of the one you need and try to find a profile by ava. Those who are looking for private information in VK will help .

Vkontakte find a person by last name without registration

Find a person on Vkontakte by last name and without registration a simple search engine will help. Both Yandex and Google index social networks. Therefore, if you are sure that the person you are looking for is registered under your last name, drive in its search string and see the results.

The profiles of some people can be viewed even if you yourself are not a user on VK. In the site settings, there is a special option that is responsible for the visibility of the page. It is located "Settings" - "Privacy" - "Other". In this subsection of VK, any user can allow or reject the display of his profile on the Internet. With the page open for general display, you can easily find a person. If the user has banned the display, then in order to find it, you need to register. With the growth of a large number of fakes and bots, VK registers only those people who indicate their real phone number, as well as their initials. It will no longer be possible to write an abbreviation or the name of objects in the fields for the first and last name.