How to find a good guide abroad. Offer for guides Service for guides

What is the essence of our proposal?

Our offer is addressed to private guides who are interested in advertising your services on our travel site. We invite you to place information about yourself and your services on the site absolutely free!

As an example, let's take a look at what a . This page is just an example and does not represent a real guide.

Why cooperation with us can be beneficial for you?

Our project is a little over a year old, but during this period we have achieved good results. Already posted on our website:

  • More 11 thousand messages(answers to popular tourist questions, tips, holiday reviews, price information) and more 5 thousand comments to these messages
  • Described in more detail than 1200 cities and resorts to all the most popular tourist destinations from more than 100 countries peace
  • 50 thousand photos tourist spots, 3 thousand video reviews about holidays in various resorts, 6 thousand cards to help tourists

Monthly visits to our website 300 thousand people. These are the people who are going on vacation and want to get more information on how best to plan their vacation. Information about your services would be very helpful for them.

How it works?

1. Registration on the site

The first thing you need to do is on the website. This process will only take a couple of minutes of your time. After registration, go to your personal account, where you can upload your photo, set up an avatar and fill in the contact information section:
At this stage, your personal page will look very modest and will not give you a result. But this is not for long, go to the next step.

2. Making a personal guide page

Now you need to activate partner functions. To do this, use the user menu and go to the "Partnership" section. We offer our partners to decorate their personal page with a text with a greeting and a brief description of the services provided. To do this, use the "Edit greeting and description of services" button on the partner's main page or the "About me" tab in the partner's menu.

Your personal page is your calling card on this site. Take this step seriously.

Now that you have your personal page on our site, you can add information about your excursions that you would like to offer our visitors. To do this, go to the "Services Offered" section in the partner interface.

You can add an unlimited number of excursions to our site. Information about them will be published both on your personal page and in the relevant sections of the site.

Already, you have done enough to get your offers noticed by our visitors, but you can do much more to attract the attention of potential customers to your services. It is quite easy to do this.

The essence of our partnership is that you help us by publishing useful information for tourists, and in return we help you promote your services.

So, in addition to your promotional offers, you can post other information (answers to popular questions from tourists, tips for tourists, reviews about vacations), as well as comment on other people's messages, supplementing them with your thoughts. Such a contribution will do you a double benefit:

Firstly, your name and a link to your personal page will be displayed next to each of your posts and comments. Interested site visitors can go to your personal page and see your offers.

Secondly, each of your messages increases your personal rating. This rating is very important when we publish offers of several guides on one page at once. For example, when we have 30 proposals for excursions in Prague from 5 guides, then the proposals of those guides who have a higher rating on our website will take the first places.

But do not think that the guide with the highest rating will get all the first places in the list. As a rule, the best guide will get 1-3 first places in the general list of offers. Therefore, you do not need to be the best of the best to get information about your offers on the first or second page of the section. Your offers will be visible even if you have a zero rating. In addition, for beginners, we have a bonus rating, which weakens over time.

We do not publish the formula for calculating the rating for each guide, and we do not explain exactly how it affects the sorting of offers in the general list, however, your activity on the site, the number and quality of your posts will help you promote your services.

Rules for posting materials

All messages on our site are moderated according to the rules below. Posts that violate these rules will not be published.

1. General rules for all messages on the site:

1.3. It is forbidden to mention other guides and travel companies organizing excursions. It is forbidden to compare your own and other people's prices for services.

1.4. All messages must be written in Russian, in compliance with elementary spelling rules.

2. Rules for publishing information about your services:

2.1. At the moment, it is allowed to publish information only about individual and group excursions.

2.2. Each service you offer should have a detailed description. The minimum message size is 200 characters.

3. Rules for publishing answers to questions, tips, reviews and comments:

3.1. It is forbidden to copy messages or individual offers from other sites. Each of your posts must be unique.

3.2. Your message must be relevant to the topic you have chosen.

3.4. It is forbidden to publish photos with logos of other sites or signatures. This rule does not apply to videos.

3.5. Each published comment should contain useful information on the topic of the commented message.

Do you have any questions?

We look forward to a long and fruitful cooperation with you. If you have any questions, problems or other suggestions regarding our cooperation, please contact us by mail: [email protected]

On an independent trip, many people consider the search for a guide to be an optional and even superfluous task, because you can take a map of the city at any hotel, and learn the history of the Colosseum on Wikipedia. And guidebooks, in the end, did not stop releasing, now even in the form of applications for smartphones. But a tour is not necessarily an old-fashioned journey from a cathedral to a museum and from a museum to a cathedral. A good guide will allow you to properly prioritize your visit to a city or country, look into places that guidebooks do not write about, and simply learn more about the place you have arrived. Editorial along the way I tested on my own experience several ways to get on an excursion in Russian and English in an unfamiliar city, and here are our recommendations for you.

Where can I find a good guide

  • on a free group tour of the city;
  • on the Internet on sites for online booking of excursions;
  • on a paid group or individual excursion, which can be purchased directly on the spot.

1. Participation in a free group tour of the city

In almost any city that attracts a more or less stable tourist flow, there are free group tours in local, English, and sometimes other languages ​​\u200b\u200bthat are popular in the region (suddenly you know them better than English). Somewhere, to participate in them, pre-registration online is required, but often it is enough to come to the right place at the right time, which Google and its colleagues will easily prompt for the query “city” + “free tours”. So, for example, every day at 11 am a man with an orange umbrella will be waiting for you in London at the Churchill monument for a tour of the royal palaces, and every Saturday at 10 am you can join a tour of New York's Greenwich Village, where they lived, drank and created by beatniks and rock stars of the 60s. At the end of the tour, participants are usually asked to evaluate the work of the guide and determine the cost of the tour on their own.

In addition to the obvious economic attractiveness, it is also worth noting the high quality of such excursions. As a rule, the guides are really in love with the city and conduct extremely exciting tours. The organizers are also interested in ensuring that free tours do not disappoint tourists, as such tours are an excellent marketing tool.

The downside of free tours is the lack of flexibility. If the time of the tour or the route does not suit you, you will have to choose another option for exploring the city. Also, you will not be able to enjoy the tour if you do not speak English at a sufficiently high level.

2. Booking an excursion on the online service

Over the past few years, several platforms have emerged to act as intermediaries in finding a guide. When organizing a trip, we recommend that you study and compare the offer in the city you need on several sites. If you are satisfied with a tour in English, you can use international resources:

We will consider the main services focused on finding a Russian-speaking guide:

  • Experts. Tourist.

The slogan of the Tripster project: "Unusual excursions from local residents." In fact, on the site you can find both quite standard sightseeing tours and really outstanding offers for travelers who are no longer interested in walking around the main attractions. At the time of publication of the article (June 2015), the site has more than 2 thousand excursions in 307 cities. Tripster is simple and easy to use. To organize a trip you need:

  • choose a city;
  • choose an excursion (a description of the tour and reviews from other travelers are available);
  • place an order indicating the date and any additional questions to the guide;
  • get confirmation and answers to questions from the guide;
  • pre-pay 16% of the cost of the tour.

After confirming the order, it becomes possible to communicate with the guide by phone or e-mail. We also note the presence of special projects and offers. We were especially captivated by the Moscow course "Six meetings on architecture for people who are not used to being interested in it." There is also a "Community of Travelers" section, where you can get an answer to a question from local residents and other tourists.

Editorial along the way I used Tripster services on one of my recent trips and was satisfied with both the service and the guide. At the time of preparing the material, the service had only one drawback that we noticed - a small coverage.

Experts. Tourist

The Experts project is part of the Tourist multifunctional resource, where you can find everything on the topic of travel: from travel blogs to ordering a taxi from the airport. According to the creators of the service, the "Experts" project allows you to find not only a guide, but simply "your person in Havana": an interpreter, a shopping guide, an expert. According to information on the site as of February 2015, the service offers more than 12.5 thousand excursions in 114 countries. Editorial check along the way for selected areas, it is doubtful whether these figures are realistic. So, for example, the service says that there are 32 excursions in Zagreb, although not a single company or private guide from this city is registered on the site. However, some destinations are indeed much better presented than on Tripster - for example, the countries of Southeast Asia (Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia).

Unlike Tripster, which is aimed primarily at travelers interested in unusual excursions, the Experts.Tourister project is organized in such a way as to become an attractive promotion tool for travel agencies and private guides. Each guide has his own page, like in a social network, which contains a list of excursions, reviews of other tourists, a guide about himself, contact information, copies of licenses and certificates. Having chosen a direction, the user sees a list of guides and travel companies offering services in a given city, and a short note about each guide: the number of excursions and reviews, knowledge of languages, availability of documents confirming professional suitability. Description of excursions can be seen only after going to the guide's page. You can send a message to the guide through the site or contact directly - the contact phone number and email address are usually listed on the pages of the guides. The service also allows you not to choose a guide right away, but to place a request for an excursion, indicating the city, date and number of participants.

Benefits of the Experts.Tourist service is a large selection of standard sightseeing tours, a large amount of information about guides, the ability to immediately contact the guide directly by phone or e-mail.

In our opinion, Experts. Tourist is less attractive for experienced travelers interested in non-standard excursions, but it will definitely not let you get lost in a foreign city.

In addition to these sites, there are several more similar ones with Russian-language excursions:,.

3. Purchase of an individual or group excursion on the spot

For those who do not like to plan every day of travel in advance, there is always the possibility of purchasing a tour on the spot. Booklets advertising excursions can almost always be found in hotels and hostels, the main tourist spots in the city. Travel agency offices are often located on the main streets of the city and near attractions. As a rule, you can sign up for a group tour in a day or two. Editorial along the way thus went on one-day excursions around the city, and to neighboring cities, and even to neighboring countries. Sometimes with the help of booklets in the hotel you can find unusual offers - for example, cycling or thematic tours. When refusing to pre-plan excursions, the following risks should be taken into account:

  • a small number of tours in Russian (with the exception of destinations with a large flow of tourists from the CIS countries);
  • low availability of private tours during periods of high tourist season due to a large number of pre-orders;
  • an incomprehensible situation with the quality of such tours - the guides are not motivated either by reviews on the Internet or by payment on the principle of “like it or not like it”; In fact, there is no one to ask about the quality.

Summing up, we note that none of the considered options is better or worse than others. Choose the one that is most convenient for you.

Affiliate links:
  • Look for non-standard excursions on;
  • Book accommodation on Booking;
  • Book flights on the UIA website;
  • Order ready-made tours on;
  • Rent bikes at.

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Friends, not so long ago I did a review of the Russian-language. This is a real library of knowledge for everyone who is going on the road! But what is there to tell, the daily attendance of the site of more than 50 thousand people speaks for itself)).

This resource has another very attractive trick up its sleeve, which was launched in the middle of last year. And it's called Experts.Tourister.Ru

Experts.Tourister.Ru is a service search for private guides. It makes it possible to find a Russian-speaking guide for an excursion in an unfamiliar country, a shopping guide for shopping, an interpreter, etc. - in short, experts in their field of services related to tourism.

In fact, being accompanied by a guide in an unfamiliar country almost always saves a lot of time, effort and even money to a large extent. It's one thing to spend time working out the route, studying the sights, then looking for streets on the map, etc., and it's quite another thing when a person guides you along the optimal route, tells and shows everything himself. Beauty and only))

The service has an impressive base of experts: 227 private guides are ready to provide their services in 46 countries of the world! By the way, these numbers are increasing every month.

All guides live in those cities where they provide services, so you don’t have to worry about their knowledge of the area. Moreover, registering a person in the role private guide on the Experts.Tourister.Ru service is paid, and each application is checked manually by moderators. So, to a large extent, “screening out” of random people occurs.

Each expert has his own personal page on the service. Here is what one of them looks like:

On the guide page you will find the following information:

  • in which country of the world and cities it provides services (section "geography of excursions")
  • what services he is ready to provide (section "specialization")
  • a detailed description of the excursions and tours conducted (duration in time, cost, what is included, etc.)
  • guide contact details
  • the guide's employment calendar, where information is immediately visible on which days he is busy or free