How to make the screen turn off. Why does the monitor screen go blank after a few minutes of inactivity even though the power plan settings are correct. Changing permissions in Windows

So, many users are faced with certain inconveniences associated with Windows power saving settings, such as inappropriate or simply inconvenient time to turn off the display or even put the computer into sleep mode.

Some people like the computer to turn off the display and go to sleep earlier than the default, and some people don't like the display to go blank or the computer to go to sleep too quickly. And someone would just like to adjust the brightness of the laptop or computer display.

All this is configured quite simply, therefore, after reading this manual, you will never again have difficulties with this kind of settings.

  • The first thing we need is to simply right-click on any empty space on the desktop. The context menu list will appear:
  • Choose paragraph "personalization". The following window appears:

  • click left mouse button on the word "screen saver» in the lower right corner. We see the following:

  • press left mouse button on the inscription "change power settings". A new window appears:

  • now need press on the inscription "setting up a power plan» exactly in the line, the beginning of which is marked with a checkmark (black circle, indicated by an arrow in the screenshot). The energy management system settings window appears:

  • In this window, by pressing the small arrows opposite the values, select the desired time for dimming the display, turning it off and leaving the PC in sleep mode. You yourself set when the display will go out or dim, choose the time when the monitor will turn off and go out, determine the time after which the computer can go into sleep mode. Here you can also adjust the brightness of your laptop display, by means of dragging the slider located opposite the inscription "Adjust Plan Brightness".
  • When everything is set, press the button "save changes"

Ready! Now your PC behaves the way you would like it to.

After installing Windows 10, you may find something not entirely pleasant - after some short time, the system turns off the monitor. But not all monitors immediately immediately return to working condition later.

This was inconvenient for me personally and I had to disable this automatic screen off in Windows 10, if you are also interested, then this note is for you.

But why does the system turn off the screen? This is all done in order to save money, because the monitor in standby mode consumes much less than if it was working.

Therefore, it makes sense not to even disable this behavior, but simply change the interval after which the monitor should turn off.

Let's look at how to do this - right-click on the Start icon and select there Power Management:

Then click on the item that is responsible for setting up your power plan:

And it will become possible to either change the time or even prohibit turning off the monitor, for this, select the appropriate value in the menu:

But I will give you advice - if you often leave the computer, then I do not advise you to set such a time that the monitor, for example, turns off every two minutes. That is, if it is often turned off or on, then I don’t think it’s good. But if you have a CRT monitor, that is, an old, big one, then I advise you to very reasonably approach turning it off after a while - the fact is that they consume a lot of electricity, and if your computer works for a long time and you sometimes go away for a long time - then let the monitor go out at this time. And then a CRT monitor can take 80 watts at least.

This wonderful method will allow you to turn your old LCD LCD monitor into a display for personal use.

Only you will be able to see the image on it, while everyone else will see just a white screen.

It is convenient to use at work and in other places where you want to have a piece of something personal that no one will guess about.

After a detailed guide, if you do everything right, it will look like this.

To make such a personal monitor, you will need:

1. LCD monitor, which is not a pity;

2. Old unnecessary glasses;

3. Stationery knife;

4 . Some solvent.

Take a monitor that you are willing to sacrifice

We unscrew the screws

Back cover removed

It is necessary to turn over and remove the plastic frame from the front of the monitor.

Then carefully cut off the polarized film along the edges of the monitor with a clerical knife, if the arms are straight and well bent at the elbows, then everything will work out.

After you have gone through the edges well with the edge of the knife, you will need to tear off the polarized film. Most monitors have 2 polarized films: one to filter out light you shouldn't see, and the second layer is an anti-reflective coating that has a matte finish.

The matte film can be torn off with pleasure and not be careful, we will no longer need it, which cannot be said about the second polarized layer

We tear off the top layer, and save the second. The second polarized layer is the whole secret of the monitor. The second layer is quite difficult to peel off.

At this stage, a solvent comes into play, which we need in order to remove the adhesive remaining from the films. You can wipe it with a piece of cloth or a paper towel soaked in solvent, but this is quite a long time.

It is easier to soak the adhesive layer in the solvent by simply placing paper towels pre-soaked in the solvent on top. Do this carefully, it is important that the solvent does not get anywhere else, except for the display itself.

Then simply remove the layer of glue soaked with solvent from the display surface.

Put the monitor back

If you did everything right, then when you apply the second polarized layer to the monitor connected to the computer, you will get this effect.

Stage two, "confidential". We take old sunglasses or any used 3D glasses

With the help of simple movements, we disassemble into several parts.

Like this

You can either measure yourself or scan the plates that you took out of your glasses.

With sunscreen, this will be a little more difficult. But there is a way here too. You can simply stick a polarized layer on top of the glass and then just cut off the excess.

If you have scanned, you can make a pattern according to which you will cut the film

We put our neatly cut pieces of the polarized layer of the monitor on the front of the glasses.

Then just glue the second part.

Gotta wait a little

And everything is ready! Enjoy watching your personal monitor that will display the image just for you! Good luck!

Many people have a question how to make the screen not go out on Windows 7 . The solution to this problem and the answer to the question lies in this article below.

Many users of personal computers, as well as laptops, are faced with the fact that from a short inactivity, the monitor turns off or goes out on their device.

Sometimes such a phenomenon can disrupt or interrupt the operation of running programs, which is not desirable, and sometimes not acceptable. In the end, it's just very inconvenient.

In addition, in some cases, the screen backlight may go out directly while working at the computer and you will need to perform certain manipulations to return the device to working condition.

For those who do not understand the reasons for such phenomena, the explanation is simple - this is due to the power settings or directly to the monitor itself.

The issue we are considering is the most urgent and whole problem, mainly for users of netbooks, as well as laptops, for which power supply issues are a priority.

Based on this, the main task of such a device is the issue of energy saving and its economical waste, and since the backlight of the display consumes an impressive share of energy, the device tries to save on it.

The standard settings, taken by default after installation, have the most optimal performance for the computer, but for most users they are not convenient or not acceptable at all. They can be changed at your own discretion, which is done quite simply.

So, now we will step by step consider the solution to the actual issue of the fading screen:

Varieties of power supply

It should be noted that the issue of turning off the display may depend on a number of other factors. Among them, the main one is the type of power used, namely the battery or directly from the network.

Depending on the type of power, all the options for turning off the screen vary greatly.

I must say that in the case of using battery power, you should think about the issue of saving energy and setting balanced power consumption settings. Otherwise, by solving the issue of turning off the display, you can create the problem of high-speed battery discharge, which is also extremely inconvenient.

Black screen when monitor is on

Above, the simplest method was considered, which allows you to fix the problem of a dying monitor directly by system tools. However, sometimes, it happens that the monitor does not work at all, and completely different manipulations will be required here.

The appearance of a black screen and the fading of the display can be caused by other more serious reasons that require more radical solutions:

  • Excessive humidity in the room where the computer and monitor is used can have a negative effect. Water in the form of condensation may accumulate directly on the surface of the monitor. Since water is a fairly good conductor of current, which, due to its accumulation, can cause malfunctions in the monitor up to its complete shutdown. In such a situation, you should simply give the monitor time to dry. Often this will be the solution to the problem under consideration.
  • If the monitor goes out and does not turn on, or it is active, but instead of an image it gives a purely black screen, then most likely the problem is in a faulty matrix. In order to verify this assumption, you only need to connect the monitor you are looking for to another computer, and also try to change the connection cable itself. If the monitor is already connected to another computer using a new cable, but the problem persists, then the help of an experienced electronics engineer is already required here. It is highly not recommended to carry out such repairs on your own without the appropriate skills.
  • Another serious problem can be a faulty video card. In this case, you should also try it on another computer and test it. It is also possible that the video card is simply overheating, and therefore it is necessary to check its cooling system for serviceability. Most often, this problem is solved by repairing the fan, in the case of using an active cooling system. If, however, passive cooling is used, then in this case it will be required either to repair it or to completely replace it. In addition, the video card connector on the motherboard should also be checked for serviceability.
  • The cause of the problem may also lie in the malfunction of other components of the computer. In this case, if possible, check each of the nodes in turn. The reason may lie in the motherboard, power supply, memory modules, and so on.
  • A rather banal and frequent problem is poor or broken contact. Thus, the problem lies in the cable connecting the system unit to the monitor, as well as the corresponding connectors. This flaw is quite easy to identify and fix.

In the event that the first signs of interruptions in the operation of the monitor are detected, it is necessary to search for the problem and fix it as soon as possible. Timely repair measures can extend the life of the computer for several more years.

The best solution to make your computer screen smaller/larger is to buy a new monitor with a different diagonal. But if this is not possible, you can programmatically resize the image on the display. Installation of additional software is not required, since they are all built into Windows.

Increasing the size of screen elements

In the context menu on the desktop, find the penultimate item - "Display Settings". To call this menu, right-click anywhere on the desktop. In the Windows 10 interface, this item can be accessed through the notification panel, path: "All settings -> System -> Display".

Move the slider responsible for the scale of the elements. The default value is 100%, application text and interface elements have standard sizes. Depending on the monitor resolution used, the upper percentage limit may vary.

In the OS interface, the changes made will be applied immediately, and the elements of the image will become larger. But some user programs will only take effect of the changed settings after you log in to your account again. To do this, click "Log out now", and then log in again on the computer.

Changing permissions in Windows

To make the entire picture on the monitor larger, go to the "Advanced display settings" section. The link to it is located at the bottom of the settings page.

Select the desired computer resolution. The larger it is, the smaller the picture will be. Conversely, lower resolution enlarges the image. This parameter is specified in pixels, for example "1024 x 768". The first number is responsible for the number of dots on the display horizontally, the second - vertically. The list of supported resolutions is set by the monitor and video card settings. After selecting the desired value, click Apply.

Zoom in on individual elements

The rest of the computer screen settings can be changed according to the old scheme, through the classic control panel. To go to it, click on the penultimate link in the current window.

Here you can return to customization through the Windows 10 interface, turn on Magnifier, or set a custom zoom level for your computer screen. Changes will take effect after clicking on the "Apply" button in the lower right corner.

Important! Don't set the dimensions too large, as the data won't fit in its place. In this case, some of the information in the applications will not be visible.

It is also possible to make single parts of the computer interface larger or smaller:

  • Message windows
  • Panel names
  • Badges
  • Hints

In this case, a preview will be available, allowing you to evaluate the changes made before confirming them.

Tutorial Video: Adjusting the Monitor Resolution