Logic game catch the cat download. Catch the cat. A game

Catch the Cat is a great game to test your decision making skills and also good opportunity practice your skills in finding creative solutions. This online flash game was developed by the famous Japanese design lab Gamedesign (gamedesign.jp) and is originally called "Chat Noir" ("Black Cat" in French).

Try to catch a black cat to train your intellectual and creative skills. The rules of this game, as well as recommendations on how to win it, are given below.

Rules. The game "Chat Noir" invites you to catch a black cat by surrounding it with circles. You close one circle - the cat takes one step. If the cat runs away from the border of the playing field - he wins, if he does not do this and he has nowhere else to move - you win.

  • Purpose of the cat: run away from the field, moving only in yellow-green (light green) circles.
  • Your aim: make sure that the cat does not succeed.

If this is your first time playing the game "catch the cat" and you have no experience of competing in, cross-dot and the like, then most likely you will all experience certain difficulties with this game cat hunt. Indeed, catching a cat is not an easy task, and not only for beginners. To begin with, try, using your creative thinking and intelligence, and independently find the right strategy for catching a black cat. If you still failed to do this, then you can apply the rules and recommendations below.

Of course, there is no 100% way win this game. However, following some recommendations, you can significantly increase the likelihood of your victory over a fleeing black cat.

Firstly, do not try to quickly put points, trying to really chase the cat. The desire to win as soon as possible in this case acts against you. Think over each further step, one might say, try to think like a cat. Think where he can go.

And there is one feature. The game is set up so that in most cases, the cat is looking for the shortest path to the edge. Therefore, you can be sure that the cat, being in 2 free circles from the edge, will not turn in the opposite direction.

Secondly, think ahead and block the field in two or three circles from the black cat. If you place a barrier right next to the cat, it will move parallel to the barrier right to the edge, where it will be simply impossible to catch it. Expand your focus on the playing field as well.

Thirdly, do not put extra circles. If you place a fence at a decent distance from the cat, put circles through one. If the cat approaches the fence, you will always have time to close the gap left. If you immediately put up a solid fence, then you run the risk of not being able to keep up with the fleeing black opponent. An example of the application of this rule is shown in the screenshot below. Above and to the left, a fence is built through one circle. If a black cat from the game approaches the "exit" of the built enclosure, then you will immediately block the fence. In the example, you just need to put a circle to the left of the cat. If the cat is still far from being able to escape, continue to build a fence through one circle, for example, to the right.

Greetings to all readers of my blog!

Glad to see you again on my resource. Today I decided about how to place an online game on my website or blog.

Once, wandering around the Internet, I went to the blog of one webmaster and saw such an online game and the author's offer to take a break by playing it. Well, I played a little. As it turned out, spent about five minutes!

Why do you need the game Catch a cat on a blog or website?

And so I also decided that the game Catch the Cat is also needed on my . After all, if I gave her a little time, it means that some visitors will also want to relax and play a little.

They will play, and the blog will receive a positive in the form of an increase in the time spent by users on my resource. Frankly, I have not tested this game to increase the length of stay of visitors on the blog.

This is my personal observation and speculation. Therefore, I propose to discuss this topic in the comments to this article.

Online game Catch the cat - install on your blog

Well, now about how the online game Catch the Cat is installed on your website or blog. To do this will not be difficult.

Just need to place special code game to the place on your blog where you want to display it. Copy the special code and paste it on your blog:

To place this game right after each article, open the file single.php (single entry) and paste the special one in the right place.

If you want, you can place this game in the sidebar or sidebar. To do this, you will need to use widgets.

Then click the Update File button for the changes to take effect. Display dimensions logic game can change.

To do this, you just need to change two numbers in the code that are responsible for the width and height of the main field for the game. Find these lines in the code:

width="320 " - online game field width height="225 " - online game field height

And put your width and height (in pixels). That's all. Online game"Catch the Cat" has been successfully installed on your web resource.

If you didn't succeed, ask me questions in the comments.

And I, in turn, suggest that you unwind a little and catch this black cat:

Do you want to relax? Play the game "Catch the Cat"

Your task is to place dots in such a way that the cat could not escape.

Didn't it work for you? - start the game again!

Catch the Cat is a great game to test your ability to solve non-standard problems, as well as a good opportunity to practice your skills in finding creative solutions.

Try to catch a black cat to train your intellectual and creative skills. The rules of this game, as well as recommendations on how to win it, are given below.

Rules. The game "Chat Noir" invites you to catch a black cat by surrounding it with circles. You close one circle - the cat takes one step. If the cat runs away from the border of the playing field - he wins, if he does not do this and he has nowhere else to move - you win.

Purpose of the cat: run away from the field, moving only in yellow-green (light green) circles.
Your aim: make sure that the cat does not succeed.

If this is your first time playing catch the cat game and you have no experience in tic-tac-toe, tic-dot and the like, then most likely you will experience some difficulties with this game cat hunt. Indeed, catching a cat is not an easy task, and not only for beginners. To begin with, try, using your creative thinking and intelligence, and independently find the right strategy for catching a black cat. If you still failed to do this, then you can apply the rules and recommendations below.

How to catch a cat

Naturally, there is no one hundred percent way to win in this game. However, following some recommendations, you can significantly increase the likelihood of your victory over a fleeing black cat.

Firstly, do not try to quickly put points, trying to really chase the cat. The desire to win as soon as possible in this case acts against you. Think over each further step, one might say, try to think like a cat. Think where he can go.

And there is one feature. The game is set up so that in most cases, the cat is looking for the shortest path to the edge. Therefore, you can be sure that the cat, being in 2 free circles from the edge, will not turn in the opposite direction.

Secondly, think ahead and block the field in two or three circles from the black cat. If you place a barrier right next to the cat, it will move parallel to the barrier right to the edge, where it will be simply impossible to catch it. Expand your focus and look farther into the playing field.

Thirdly, do not put extra circles. If you place a fence at a decent distance from the cat, put circles through one. If the cat approaches the fence, you will always have time to close the gap left. If you immediately put up a solid fence, then you run the risk of not being able to keep up with the fleeing black opponent. An example of applying this rule is shown in the screenshot below. Above and to the left, a fence is built through one circle. If a black cat from the game approaches the "exit" of the built enclosure, then you will immediately block the fence. In the example, you just need to put a circle to the left of the cat. If the cat is still far from being able to escape, continue to build a fence through one circle, for example, to the right.